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Soft Cheese


Chanel Island Brie - 1kg

Made from Jersey and Guernsey milk giving a golden look with the taste of double cream.


Bath Soft - 250g

Now made with organic milk for a very light flavour and wrapped in a square shape.


Somerset Brie - 1kg

A creamy and mellow brie from the heart of the West Country.


Tunworth - 250g

Handmade in Hampshire and award winning this unpasteurised British Camembert style cheese is award winning.


Oxford Isis - 250g

A strong soft rinded cheese washed with a honey mead for a distinctive finish.


Waterloo - 1kg

A now very famous cheese made by the Wigmore's in Berkshire unpasteurised with Guernsey milk.

Cheddar and Hard Cheese Blue Cheese Soft Cheese
Goat and Sheep Cheese Continental Cheese Sundries

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